Non-Absorbable Surgical Suture

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AdvaMed - NYLON

Monofilament Polyamide Non-Absorbable Surgical Suture U.S.P.

AdvaMed Nylon – Monofilament Polyamide (Nylon) is a non absorbable sterile surgical suture, composed of the long-chain aliphatic homo polymers Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6. M-Lon – Monofilament Polyamide Sutures are dyed black or blue to enhance visibility in tissue.

In-house needle manufacturing provides you the better needles with optimum sharpness which finally delivers smooth riding on tissues during suturing.

Intended use:

Monofilament Polyamide Suture is intended for use in general soft tissue approximation and/or ligation,including use in cardiovascular, ophthalmic and neurological procedures.

  • The best material for skin approximation
  • Being a monofilament with smooth surface never support bacterial growth followed by capillary action
  • Uniform elasticity supports small movements results cosmetic effect
  • Ultra smooth surface results negligible pain

Ultimate Suture For:

  • Skin Closure
  • Hard Tissues approximation
  • Casualty stitching

Additional Information:

  • Suture Characteristics : Non Absorbable Surgical Suture
  • Suture Type : Monofilament
  • Suture Material : Polyamide (Nylon)
  • Suture Color : Black & Blue
  • Suture Absorption : Non Absorbable
  • Suture USP Range : 6/0 – 2
  • Sterilization : EO (Ethylene Oxide)
  • Shelf Life : 5 Years
  • Product Characteristics : Excellent tensile strength, Excellent knot tying, Minimum tissue reaction
  • Suture Packaging : In food grade folder packed in a medical grade pouch, with or without needle
  • Needle Type : Round bodied, cutting edge, taper point, blunt point


Monofilament Polypropylene Non Absorbable Surgical Suture U.S.P.

AdvaMed Polypropylene – Monofilament Polypropylene Suture is a non absorbable sterile surgical suture composed of an isotactic crystalline stereoisomer of polypropylene, a synthetic linear polyolefin. The suture is pigmented blue to enhance visibility.
In-house needle manufacturing provides you the better needles with optimum sharpness which finally delivers smooth riding on tissues during suturing.

Intended use: Monofilament Polypropylene Suture is intended for use in general soft tissue approximation and/or ligation,including use in cardiovascular, ophthalmic and neurological procedures.

  • Smooth Surface results minimal tissue trauma
  • Being a monofilament with smooth surface never support bacterial growth followed by capillary action
  • Uniform elasticity supports small movements results cosmetic effect
  • Ultra smooth surface results negligible pain
  • Blue pigmentation enhances visibility

Additional Information:

  • Suture Characteristics : Non Absorbable Surgical Suture
  • Suture Type : Monofilament
  • Suture Material : Polypropylene
  • Suture Color : Black & Blue
  • Suture Absorption : Non Absorbable
  • Suture USP Range : 6/0 – 1
  • Sterilization : EO (Ethylene Oxide)
  • Shelf Life : 5 Years
  • Product Characteristics : Excellent tensile strength, Excellent knot tying, Minimum tissue reaction
  • Suture Packaging : In food grade folder packed in a medical grade pouch, with or without needle
  • Needle Type : Round bodied, cutting edge, taper point, blunt point


Braided & Coated Polyester Non-Absorbable Surgical Suture U.S.P.

AdvaMed Polyster – Braided & Coated Polyester Suture is a non absorbable, braided, sterile, surgical suture composed of Poly (ethylene terephthalate). It is prepared from fibres of high molecular weight, long-chain, linear polyesters having recurrent aromatic rings as an integral component. Braided Polyester Sutures are braided for optimal handling properties and for good visibility in the surgical field.

In-house needle manufacturing provides you the better needles with optimum sharpness which finally delivers smooth riding on tissues during suturing

Intended use:

Braided & Coated Polyester Suture is intended for use in general soft tissue approximation and/or ligation, including use in cardiovascular, ophthalmic and neurological procedures.

  • High Molecular weight , Long Chain, Linear Polyester’s fibers results in ultra strong suture
  • Smooth Surface results easy passage through toughest tissues
  • Ultra high strength offers extra support required by tissues
  • AdvaMed-Polyster – a choice of Leading Orthopedic Surgeons

Additional Information:

  • Suture Characteristics : Non Absorbable Surgical Suture
  • Suture Type : Braided
  • Suture Material : Braided Silk
  • Suture Color : Black
  • Suture Absorption : Non Absorbable
  • Suture USP Range : 5/0 – 2
  • Sterilization : EO (Ethylene Oxide)
  • Shelf Life : 5 Years
  • Product Characteristics : Excellent tensile strength, Excellent knot tying, Minimum tissue reaction
  • Suture Packaging : In food grade folder packed in a medical grade pouch, with or without needle
  • Needle Type : Round bodied, cutting edge, taper point, blunt point

AdvaMed - Silk

Black Braided Silk Non-Absorbable Surgical Suture U.S.P.

AdvaMed Silk – Black Braided Silk Suture is a non absorbable, sterile, surgical suture composed of an organic protein called fibroin. This protein is derived from the domesticated species Bombyx mori (B. Mori) of the family Bombycidae. AdvaMed Silk sutures are processed to remove the natural waxes and gums. AdvaMed Silk suture is dyed black and coated with a special wax mixture. AdvaMed Silk Black Braided Silk is also available in its natural color. AdvaMed Silk Virgin silk is available in which the sericin gum is not removed and serves to hold the filaments together.

In-house needle manufacturing provides you the better needles with optimum sharpness which finally delivers smooth riding on tissues during suturing

Intended use:

Black Braided Silk Suture is intended for use in general soft tissue approximation and/or ligation, including use in cardiovascular, ophthalmic and neurological procedures.

  • Highest purified protein from Species B. Mori results no tissue reaction
  • Beeswax coated ultra smooth surface decrease suturing timing followed by no tissue trauma
  • Unmatched Knot strength provides satisfaction to user
  • USP approved dye increases visibility followed by no reaction

Additional Information:

  • Suture Characteristics : Non Absorbable Surgical Suture
  • Suture Type : Braided
  • Suture Material : Polyester
  • Suture Color : Green / White
  • Suture Absorption : Non Absorbable
  • Suture USP Range : 5/0 – 5
  • Sterilization : EO (Ethylene Oxide)
  • Shelf Life : 5 Years
  • Product Characteristics : Excellent tensile strength, Excellent knot tying, Minimum tissue reaction
  • Suture Packaging : In food grade folder packed in a medical grade pouch, with or without needle
  • Needle Type : Round bodied, cutting edge, taper point, blunt point
